Moving Between Pages

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Moving Between Pages

Post by goldfinchs »


Thanks for the help with the backspace problem.

We have completed a security review of the product and the following issues came up.

Is there any way via your software we can block all methods of going bac to a previous page ?

If we can sort these then I can get signoff to purchase the product for the kiosks and library.

Thanks Shane

Copy of email I received

To achieve a low level of security.
1. Need to stop the back space key. (successfully done).
2. Need to stop the page forward and back operation using the right and left arrow keys.
3. Need to stop the page forward and back operation using the right and left arrow keys on the number keypad
4. Need to control turning these features off and on in the INI file if the library is to use the product as well. (this would prob be the intention of the developer)

The only other method that I can see that they can go back a page is to right click. This is disabled in the policy so won't be a problem for the Kiosks. This low level of security is like locking the house - it will keep out the honest people.

It is important that it is understood by management team that these individual kiosk specific changes are methods of blocking going back to cached pages on the Kiosk. The cached data is still there and someone may work out a way to get back to the pages by methods we have not been able to predict. For a medium level of security the web pages should be scripted (one line of java) to not allow moving back to a previous page by any method.

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Post by Scott »

To disable the back and forward shortcuts, Alt-Left Arrow and Alt-Right Arrow, disable the Back and Forward buttons and the corresponding menu items. The shortcuts are all tied to menu items, disabling both the menu item and button will disable the shortcuts.




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