Inactivity Timer Reset by Changing Web Content

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Inactivity Timer Reset by Changing Web Content

Post by jscheib_TS »

I am using PWB Version 2.05 revision 2 (09-21-04)
Just downloaded and purchased it yesterday. Great product, exactly what I needed!

I am having a problem with the inactivity timer. It works most of the time, but, I have a web page which I would like to be the home page. That particular web page uses DIV sections to change the content of the center portion of the screen. Automatically in a timed fashion. The problem is that the height of the content varies. This causes the elements of the web page below that section to move up and down. the scroll bar also changes because the total length of the content changes. Each time this happens, the inactivity timer resets and so is never activated.

Any ideas? I searched for inactivity in all of the forums and could not find a topic that solved this.

Thanks in advance!!

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Post by Scott »

Try adding [Inactivity] ResetOnMouseMove=False to the INI file. This is an unpublished feature of PWB v2.05 r2 and will appear in PWB v2.06.


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Joined: Tue Oct 05, 2004 4:01 pm

Post by jscheib_TS »

That does disable the mouse from resetting the timer. The problem I now have is that the content has been changed on my home page so that when it is automatically changed, the size of the content remains the same. So -- I can't perform the same test as yesterday!! :-|

I will wait for content that fulfills my test requirements and perform the test again.

Thanks for your fast response!!

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