Parent Window Closing Child Windows

For general issues related to PWB v2.

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Parent Window Closing Child Windows

Post by Jacob »

I know that the way PWB works is by having a control window and when that window is closed all other windows are also closed.

The problem I have is that we are running a network through a router with it's own authorization for internet connection. What the router does is forwards the user to the login page if they are not logged in, then (and here is where the problem starts) once you are logged in, and window pops up saying you are logged in, and to log out either click a button in that window or close that window.

I know the last part of that would make you think it would work anyway, except that what happens when you either click the logout button or close the window is it opens another window which attempts the logout.

With PWB if a user logs into the router and then closes the control window, the logout window closes as well, and if the network cannot logout in the tiny window of time that the new window made to logout has, then it stays logged in.

There is an idle timer on the router, except we get complaints that it hasn't logged out and that it ate up [so much] of their time they've paid for.

If anyone can think of a good solution it would really be appreciated.

Any questions and I'll try and clarify.


Post by TechFan »

I believe there is a INI file option to allow PWB to not close child windows. . .

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Post by Scott »

Because PWB is not multi-threaded, closing the main PWB window closes the child windows. The setting in the secondary windows to not close the child windows only effects child windows and their children.

We are working on making PWB multi-threaded to eliminate this problem.


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