PWB MFC Crash When Displaying Metropolitan Musueum Art

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PWB MFC Crash When Displaying Metropolitan Musueum Art

Post by williajd »

When visiting ... y_9b.1.asp and clicking on one of the paintings, PWB continusously pops up, closes, pops up, closes the window for the painting. After a while, PWB usually crashes with a "PWB MFC Application has encountered a problem and needs to close" error. After acknowledging the error, PWB closes, but can't perform its regular log off on exit function. This leaves nothing but the Windows wallpaper on the desktop, since PWB is serving as the shell.

The same behavior also occurs when logged on to another Windows account that uses the standard Explorer as its shell.

Switching back to the default PWB.INI that shipped with PWB 2.05 r1 didn't resolve the problem.

Viewing the website with Internet Explorer on the same PC displays the window properly, although it does close the popped-up window once & then re-opens it (One time I did see a prompt in PWB about Internet Explorer wanting to close this window).

I did a new install of PWB on another Windows XP SP1 machine. It didn't work correctly there either, but it didn't keep looping--it only popped up the window and closed the window twice. There also was no MFC crash.

By the way, is there a way to log off or at least restart the PWB shell after an unceremonious crash?

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Post by Scott »

The web site seems to get stuck looping while resizing and opening pop-up windows. We are currently looking into this to get it fixed.

To prevent PWB v2.05 from opening and closing hundreds of pop-ups and crashing, if you set CloseChildrenOnClose=True, the exhibit will not open correctly but it will prevent PWB from crashing.


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