Quick question about downloading/saving

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Quick question about downloading/saving

Post by derango »

So, I see in 2.05 restricted saves and downloads were removed. This leaves me with some questions concerning Managedl and TDownload. Here's the situation. We are evaluating this software and are very pleased with it so far. PWB is going to be run over multiple citrix servers, through to citrix terms on clients desks. We obviously don't want people saving to the local drives of the server, but rather only to their network drives we have setup for them. Will these two tools be able to make that work? There are other applications running on the citrix boxes as well so I'm a little worried about making any changes without knowing. Any advice you may have would be greatly appreciated.


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Post by Scott »

Using ManageDL and TDownload you will be able to acheive the same results as using the old PWB restricted save functionality. In fact the TDownload application was taken directly from PWB.

The only potential difference is ManageDL will be used for Internet Explorer are as well as PWB when a file is downloaded.


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