Desktop mode blues.

For general issues related to PWB v2.

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Desktop mode blues.

Post by jqjansse »

Hello all,

It seems to me - and I really hope I am mistaken - that the Desktop Mode in PWB v. 2.x is seriously flawed.

I find it impossible to display child windows of the second window, the one opened as a result op clicking on a link in the first window in the Desktop Mode, so that they are visible at all. Whatever AlwaysOnTop (2) or AlwaysOnBottom (1) settings or combination of settings I use the child (= third) window always opens inbetween the first window (the desktop) and the second window, i.e. *behind* the second window.

Combined with the (In)ActivityTimer display problems I mentioned on monday, this renders PWB v. 2.x utterly unusable for us.

Is anybody using the Desktop Mode successfully and if so could we have a look at the PWB.INI you use?

Any and all help would be very much appreciated.


Jan Janssens
Universiteitsbibliotheek / University Library
Vrije Universiteit Brussel / Brussels Free University
Pleinlaan 2
B-1050 Brussel

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Post by Scott »

Please send a copy of your INI file to Support@TeamSoftwareSolutions and I will take a look at it.

The Desktop mode was added to address a very narrow usage request, is not used often, and may not work for everyone. What would be the ideal scenario for PWB to best meet your needs? There may be other ways to configure PWB that may be better for you, or we can further develop or correct the Desktop mode.


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Post by Scott »

The timers were inadvertently turn off for the secondary windows in PWB v2.05. Here is PWB v2.05 revision 2, this revision fixes the timers on the secondary windows.

You can simply copy the new EXE over the old EXE and use your existing PWB v2.05 INI file. There are some additions to the INI that are noted in the read me file, however these are not enabled by default and will not affect PWB unless they are included in the INI file.

Please let me know if this fixes the Desktop mode problem or if you have any other problems.


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Post by Scott »

In your INI file, you have the child (second) window opening at top 60 left 80. This will cause all child windows to open in this location. To get the child windows to display in a cascading fashion you will need to turn this feature off.


I may be able to add an offset to each consecutive window to the INI if this would be beneficial.

With PWB second windows set to always on top the browser window will be on top of any Shellbar applications. Set second window always on top to false. I did find a flaw in the PWB logic that was forcing all second windows on top when desktop mode was set to true but I have corrected this in this new revision. With the addition of the main windows always on bottom this logic is no longer needed.

Please let me know if we have addressed all the issues.


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