Kiosk mode
Moderators: Tyler, Scott, PWB v2 Moderator
Kiosk mode
Is there a way of loading PWB latest version into kiosk mode without having it set as the shell and having the task bar at the bottom hidden or covered up by the browser?
PWB will open in kiosk mode without setting as the shell by setting kioskmode=true.
If you just want it full screen set it to open maxmized.
If you want it to look like the kiosk mode but not cover the task bar, set show title bar to false, and use the left, top, width, and hieght, to set PWB to your desired size.
If you just want it full screen set it to open maxmized.
If you want it to look like the kiosk mode but not cover the task bar, set show title bar to false, and use the left, top, width, and hieght, to set PWB to your desired size.