Secure Page Popup

For general issues related to PWB v2.

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Secure Page Popup

Post by Lonewalker »

On some of our public computers we are using PWB 2.04. When the page goes to a secure (SSL) site, it prompts the users that they are about to enter a secure site. We also have a piece of security software installed called Driveshield that prevents settings from being saved on the PC while Driveshield is enabled.

My questions is : Is there a setting in the INI file that can switch off this prompt, or is this something that needs to be changed in Internet Explorer?

Thanks for the help.

- Lonewalker

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Joined: Tue Sep 27, 2005 9:18 am

Secure Page Popup solution?

Post by carylib »

Has anyone responded with a solution to eliminating the "secure/nonsecure" popup when PWB enters a secure section of a library catalog site?
M. Donovan
Cary Memorial Library
Lexington, MA

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Post by Scott »

I will look into it further, but I want to try it on a web site that is "familiar".

What are the steps needed to produce the dialog on your library catalog?


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Post by carylib »

Hi, Scott,
Link to
Then click on the "my account" link at the top right of the page.
You should get the popup then.
M. Donovan
Cary Memorial Library
Lexington, MA

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Post by Scott »

This message is by design by Microsoft for Internet Explorer as a security feature when a web page displays both secure and nonsecure items. According to Microsoft the best practice would be to change the web page to only contain secure items.

Here is how to disable this feature in IE and thus PWB.

You can also set the following registry key value on Windows XP/IE6.
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones\0]


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