Proxy Settings

Questions and comments about currently under development PWB v3

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Proxy Settings

Post by wgragg »

We are trying to move from XP on PC's to Win 7 on thin clients. I am also trying to use the new v3. of PWB. I have a virtual Win7 machine set up to test and have been working through the PWB.ini file, making changes and testing. I've now hit a roadblock.

On v2 and XP, I was able to set a dummy proxy server and an exception to the two sites I want accessed wit PWB. I have tried that on v3, and it isn't working. When I put the following in the ini file and fire up PWB, I get a "Navigation to the Web Page Has Been Canceled" screen.


Does anyone have any ideas on what may be happening? I need these restricted to these sites as I don't want our library patrons surfing the web on the computers, or going to clickable links from our catalog.


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Re: Proxy Settings

Post by Scott »

PWB v2 and PWB v3 share the same back end, only the GUI is different. I suspect the issue is with Windows 7 and Internet Explorer but have not tested this theory. Have you tried copying your PWB v2 onto Windows 7 and see if the fake proxy works?

I would suggest using the PWB URL filter to keep PWB restricted to a list of web sites.


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