ETA for v2.05???

For general issues related to PWB v2.

Moderators: Tyler, Scott, PWB v2 Moderator

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Post by Scott »

If you are using the TDownload, you should also be using the ManageDL COM Object that was distributed with TDownload.

There is a newer version of TDownload available for download.

When using TDownload/ManageDL the restricted save option of PWB should be set to false. TDownload is the same as the restricted save that is in PWB, whatever problems TDownload has, they should be evident in the PWB restricted save as well.

I am in the process of testing TDownload/ManageDL so all feedback is appreciated.


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Post by Scott »

This is an "alpha" test for PWB v2.05, and only contains some of the added functionality coming in PWB v2.05. Please note, you must have PWB v2.04 installed for this to work properly as this distribution does not contain the support files.

Version 2.05 12-17-03

[Browser] UseIEFavorites=True
[SecondWindow] StartOnDesktopMode=False
[SecondWindow] ShowTimers=False
[Dialogs] AccessURLRedirect=
[Java] JavaExit=PWBExit
[Java] JavaActivity=PWBActivity
[Java] JavaRegister=PWBRegister
[Buttons] Popup=Popup
[MenuItems] ViewSeparator2=True
[MenuItems] ViewSource=View Source
[MenuItems] FavoritesAdd=True
[MenuItems] FavoritesOrganize=True
[MenuItems] FavoritesSeparator=True

Inactivity Timer Confirm Action timer restarting
Blinking web page when resizing

Most of the new settings in the PWB INI file are self explanatory and a few need some explaining.

We have added a new Dynamic External Java Command system that interacts with PWB v2.05.

The Dynamic External Java Commands allow you to specify a java command keyword in the PWB INI file to perform specific functions. Currently there are three Dynamic External Java Commands in PWB v2.05.


In order to maintain security, you can change the Dynamic External Java
Command keywords in the INI file to prevent other web sites from manipulating your browser. The PWBExit, PWBActivity, and PWBRegister correspond to a test web page I have setup to test the Dynamic External Java Commands.

The use IE favorites allows you to have PWB use the IE favorites, including adding and organizing them. This allows each user to maintain a set of favorites while still securing the system.

The Popup button toggles the Second Window Disable Unrequested. When the popup is closed the button indicates this with a count on the button.


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Post by Scott »

We have added an Encoding button to PWB v2.05.

Check out the Dynamic External Java Commands with PWB v2.05 here.

Public Web Browser version 2 (PWB v2)

This is a "alpha" test for PWB v2.05, and only contains some of the added functionality coming in PWB v2.05. Please note, you must have PWB v2.04 installed for this to work properly as this distribution does not contain the support files.

Version 2.05 01-12-04

[Browser] UseIEFavorites=True
[SecondWindow] StartOnDesktopMode=False
[SecondWindow] ShowTimers=False
[Dialogs] AccessURLRedirect=
[Java] JavaExit=PWBExit
[Java] JavaActivity=PWBActivity
[Java] JavaRegister=PWBRegister
[Java] JavaHideToolbar=PWBHideToolbar
[Java] JavaExecute=PWBExecute
[Buttons] Encoding=True
[Buttons] Popup=True
[MenuItems] ViewSeparator2=True
[MenuItems] ViewSource=View Source
[MenuItems] FavoritesAdd=True
[MenuItems] FavoritesOrganize=True
[MenuItems] FavoritesSeparator=True


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Post by Scott »

Another update of PWB v2.05 is available.

[Browser] UseIEFavorites=True
[SecondWindow] StartOnDesktopMode=False
[SecondWindow] ShowTimers=False
[Dialogs] AccessURLRedirect=
[Java] JavaExit=PWBExit
[Java] JavaActivity=PWBActivity
[Java] JavaRegister=PWBRegister
[Java] JavaHideToolbar=PWBHideToolbar
[Java] JavaExecute=PWBExecute
[Buttons] Encoding=True
[Buttons] Popup=True
[MenuItems] ViewSeparator2=True
[MenuItems] ViewSource=View Source
[MenuItems] FavoritesAdd=True
[MenuItems] FavoritesOrganize=True
[MenuItems] FavoritesSeparator=True
[RestrictedSave] RestrictedSaveApp=
[Security] DisableFileDownload=False
[Security] AllowSingleLinkLevel=False

[Browser] DisableScriptErrorSuppression=False
[RestrictedSave] SaveToTitle=Save To...
[RestrictedSave] SaveToDrives=ADH

Inactivity Timer Confirm Action timer restarting
Blinking web page when resizing
Fixed Cut, Copy, and Paste buttons grayed out



input type=file

Post by Guest »

Is there any progress on blocking file upload input types in html or disabling the open file dialog altogether? We are much more concerned with this than restricting file saving. We disable that altogether.


Post by Guest »

In this new version will the various dialog boxes such as ShowPrintingDialog be adjustable or will it continue to be the same pre defined size?

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Post by Scott »

Yes, we have combined all the various message dialogs into a single size adjustable one.

[Dialogs] MessageHeight=
[Dialogs] MessageWidth=

Download the newest beta release to check it out.


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