cannot block barnes & noble or amazon links

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cannot block barnes & noble or amazon links

Post by tarheel92x »

I am trying to limit PWB to one site, our online catalog. In the catalog there are links to barnes & noble and amazon. I have tried the following without being able to block these sites:



No matter what i try when i click on these links i still see these pages. Does the URL only block based on what is typed in the URL line?

Thanks in advance

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Post by Scott »

The URL filter inspects the URL of the web site before allowing or disallowing the browse to the page. Try adding a "-all" to the top of the URL filter file.


Also make sure the URL filter is enabled and the INI is pointed to the correct file.


CheckURLFile=c:\program files\teamsoftware solutions\public web browser v2\URL.txt

Also note in PWB v2.05 there is a setting that will allow the first level of the link to procede from an allowed site and a setting that will allow the broser to procede.



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