My problem looks very similar. Here's the senario. User clicks on a "request" button, that window goes to a warning explaining that the user may have to wait and if he's running XP SP2 he will need to set his pop-ups. Meanwhile we have a pop-up log on screen appear, after that takes place the original screen does a "back". At this point the original screen is usually (not always) in front and the user thinks the log-on screen is not coming up. Of course IE and Mozilla don't have this problem (please don't make me go back, I've been using PWB far to long to deal with IE again

). Anyway, any thoughts on this?
Oops, BTW I was running 2.04 when the problem was pointed out, I upgraded to 2.06 which didn't help and then tested with 2.05 after reading this thread. They all have the same problem. Thanks..