NoAccess, OnlyAccess order

For general issues related to PWB v1.

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NoAccess, OnlyAccess order

Post by spragers »

I was wondering which is tested first, the NoAccess or OnlyAccess?

I'm trying to set up a local network share with federal tax forms for patrons to print out and fill out, but it's the same share which holds PWB configuration files etc. I'd like to enable access to that folder on the share, but not the rest of it, by haveing the share's drive letter in NoAccess and the folder name in OnlyAccess. It will let me load a tax form PDF file from the shared folder, but then it will not let me move back or forward from that point.

I was able to set this up easily in my test version of PWB2 using the URL file, but for the time being I'm still lobbying with our director to purchase a license :P

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Post by Scott »

PWB v1 check the access in the following order.

No Access
Only Access


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