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public access privacy on back button

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 7:27 am
by dflinton
Good Morning,
We have recently discovered that our current setup allows a person to press the back button and see a previous patrons search history, this is even after they click home to return to the home page. Is there a feature to clear the cache in version 3 as there seemed to be in version 2 for home button clearing the cache :
o Set to True to clear cache when home button is pressed.

I don't see it in version 3 ini but I have edited it a lot and may have removed it.

We have the reset timer for the page set to 5 min so that if someone came back the computer to continue a search they would not have to begin again but no option that I can see in version 3 to clear cache.

Thank you


Re: public access privacy on back button

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 9:43 am
by Scott
The [Security]ClearCacheOnHome=True setting in PWB version 2 does not clear the back button history. Because IE holds the Back button history in memory the only thing that clears it is to have PWB restart. ... .php?t=683

Use the PWB v3 inactivity timer with the action set to "restart". This will cause PWB to exit and restart back to the home page clearing the back button history.
