Running PWB as shell on a Win2003 TS machine

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Running PWB as shell on a Win2003 TS machine

Post by echamb »

I am looking to implement a system similar to this one: ... ight=shell and have a few questions about the setup. Basically it will be 40 or so Wyse Winterm 1200LEs set up to use RDP to a Win2003 box for use as e-mail stations... anybody should be able to walk up to the kiosks and check their webmail but since this is a University and there are a lot of very public buildings, we want it to be compromise and goof proof. PWB seems to provide that extra level of control that a locked down IE as shell configuration can't provide. I've been testing with the latest unregistered version of PWB. (I am looking to see if it will do the trick before we buy a TS license.)

I have the following policy set: [policy]\User Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\Custom user interface value= "C:\Program Files\TeamSoftware Solutions\Public Web Browser v2\pwb.exe" /INI=\\\share\pwb.ini

It seems that using PWB as the shell with this policy requires that the ini is on a network share (is this true??? - it couldn't find it otherwise). When I got past the "ini not found" message, PWB opens up as shell (as a TS session) with my .ini settings intact for about 2 seconds and then just closes and leaves me at a blank desktop (because it is a TS session and the shell was PWB, which crashed). Any suggestions? Since we haven't purchased PWB yet and the copy I'm using is unregistered, is it crippled so that it won't stay open in a TS session?
Last edited by echamb on Wed Apr 21, 2004 9:30 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Scott »

PWB was originally designed to run on our WYSE Winterm 3360 terminals through our terminal server for our card catalog. Instead of setting PWB as the shell, we have the Winterm set to automatically logon to the server and run the application through RDP. I am not sure about the 1200, but I would think it would be similar.

The INI does not need to be on the network when PWB is ran as the shell, I would guess you did not surround the INI path in the command line in quotes.

Please email and she will give you a 30 day temporary site license so you can fully test PWB.

By the way, our system utilizing PWB and a terminal server has had a 99% uptime with very little maintenance. If you questions on our setup feel free to email me.


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