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Always close all windows on "exit" without a prompt?

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 12:11 pm
by dhansen
I am testing PWB version
Is it possible to close all the open windows without a prompt?
I have the inactivity InactivityAction=exit and RestartOnClose=True
The prompt "Do you want to close all windows" stays and the actions to exit and restart do not execute unless physical action takes place.

Re: Always close all windows on "exit" without a prompt?

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 3:00 pm
by Scott
PWB v3.03.9 fixes this issue.

Version 3.03.9 Basic 08-29-2014


Changed to CEF version 1916
Fixed JavaScript Alert sizing
Fixed multi-window confirm on timer action exit
Fixed support for custom download manager
Changed to enabled Touch Screen interaction
Changed to enable Windows 7+ toolbar interaction
