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Browser Navigation

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 3:08 am
by johnnys
I am using v3.04.4 basic (CEF).

We are using this with (Dell) touchscreen monitors. When we use Chrome (normal browser) we are able to navigate web pages by swiping left/right for back/forward.

This doesn't work with PWB, swiping left/right has no effect whatsoever - only the left/right arrow buttons in the nav bar work.

Is this normal behavior of PWB?


Re: Browser Navigation

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 9:03 am
by Scott
All the Chrome settings have a command line equivalent in PWB CEF. Try adding one or more of the following to the PWB command line.


For example:

C:\...\PWB.exe --touch-events --enable-touch-drag-drop --enable-touch-editing

More information: ... -switches/
