IE6 not Autorestarting

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IE6 not Autorestarting

Post by Lou »

System info:

I am trying to get Autorestart to restart IE6.

When logging into Windows Autorestart automatically starts, but no IE6.

The Autorestart Icon just flickers in the systray.

The shortcut folder is a separate folder on my C:\ drive. I had Autorestart create the folder and then I placed in it an IE6 shortcut.

I have checked all the registry entries and they are all correct.

No error messages. There was one post in this forum that was similar, but that was corrected by changing the shortcut folder from the Startup folder. I wish it was that easy.

Your help is much appreciated.

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Post by Scott »

Make sure the Shortcut in the Autorestart folder starts IE and has the full path to IE and not a macro (%..%) in it.


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