Inactivity timer and screensaver

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Inactivity timer and screensaver

Post by pcdave »

I need to have an inactivity timer set to 90 secs. There will also be a screensaver running as well set to go off at 2mins.

I had the inactivity action set to 'restart'. This closed all open windows and returned me to the home page but also disabled the screen saver.

I changed it to 'home' and this left the screensaver running but any secondary windows that were opened stayed open.

How do I reset to the home page and close all secondary windows and keep the screensaver running?

Thank you,


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Post by Scott »

You should be able to have PWB exit and restart and still have the screen saver run 2 minutes after the restart.

What is your home page in PWB set to?

In most cases similar to this, the home page is refreshing there by negating the screen saver as Windows sees this as user activity.


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Post by pcdave »

The inactivity timer was set for 90 secs

I had the screensaver set for 1 min

Home page set to for testing purposes

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Post by Scott »

Are you using PWB as the Windows shell?


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Post by pcdave »

No we are not using it as the shell

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Post by Scott »

When PWB restarts is the timer running on the status bar, or does it start when you click a link?


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