Proxy Pickle

For general issues related to PWB v2.

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Proxy Pickle

Post by r1x »

I'm having trouble with the Proxy Override. My current set up is as follows:

No Proxy set in Internet Explorer, I use IE for an internal address only, and don't want people getting access to anything else


But, in this state PWB won't connect to the website I need it to, when loaded it is trying to connect to the <RANDOM> site:

What setting am I missing to ensure that PWB does go through the Proxy?
I have security set up the wazoo, so PWB can't make changes to IE through the settings or registry. But when I relenquish the security, PWB alters the settings permanently, and then IE has access to everything again!

Does PWB have to work like this?

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Post by Scott »

In PWB v1.xx the proxy settings in the INI do alter the IE registry settings and assumes this is how you want them to stay. You could use a batch file to import the settings into the regiestry, run PWB, and when PWB exits import the old settings back.

PWB v2 resets the proxy setting when it exits.


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