SetPWB used with ProxyChoice

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SetPWB used with ProxyChoice

Post by chris »

Is it possible to use these two in conjunction with one another. I tried to run SetPWB with the full path of the ProxyChoice executable, the PublicBrowser executable, and the .ini file. When I click on a link after running this, I get a message saying the proxychoice.rtf file cannot be found (it is in the same dir as proxychoice.exe) and the URL does not open with anything (manageIE is running also).

Here is the contents of the script (without the proxychoice.exe path it all works fine):

%0\..\SetPWB "C:\Program Files\publicbrowser\proxychoice.exe" "C:\Program Files\publicbrowser\publicbrowser.exe" "C:\Program Files\publicbrowser\pwb_adult.INI


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Post by Scott »

I am not sure what your end goals would be.

Try this. Use SetPWB to set PWB as the default browser as indicated in your message as working. Use the PWB startup script to run ProxyChoice.exe when PWB starts.


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