Pop-up filter

For general issues related to PWB v2.

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Pop-up filter

Post by Scott »

If you are using either of the following settings and the web page attempts to open a pop-up window for address books or search windows, PWB will probably exhibit undesirable results.


Using open in parent window, PWB opens all pop-ups in the parent or current window. Using disable un-requested disables all pop-ups unless file new is selected, the new button is pressed, or the shift key is held. These are both by design and may not be desirable for non specific or general browsing.

The better way to block pop-up ads for non-specific or general browsing would be to use the following setting.


This setting used in conjunction with the pop-up text file closes pop-ups based on the window title. A good starting point for the pop-up text file is this text file based on BooHoo's Popup Killer black list.

http://www.teamsoftwaresolutions.com/do ... /popup.txt


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