PWB 2.05 Crashes With SetPWB

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PWB 2.05 Crashes With SetPWB

Post by Jeff »


We're running 2.05, and it works great....until we use SetPWB to set it as the shell.

As soon as we do that, log out, and then back in, PWB pops up as it should, as the shell. But clicking on links or trying to type in an address and go to it, causes PWB to crash. The error message talks about an MFC error. When I click on a more detailed error report, I see that ntdll.dll is given as ModName.

All this was occurring when I logged in as a non-administrative account. But it also happens when logged in as Administrator.

We're running Windows XP Pro, which has never given us trouble before when used with PWB.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


South Brunswick Public Library


Post by Guest »

After some experimentation, we found that 2.05 runs as the shell just fine, as long as we stick to the original, "pristine" .ini file. As soon as we switch to the .ini file with our changes, 2.05 crashes as the shell.

We're going to try and narrow down what might be going on with the .ini file, and what changes to it might be causing the problem.

The weird thing is we've not encountered any problems before, with 2.05 running as a shell, with a modified .ini. It's doing so now on several of our PCs.

Again, any ideas are welcome.



Post by Jeff »

Just an update, we went back to 2.04, which is working fine.

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Post by Scott »

What was the MFC error, any numbers and the wording would be very helpful.



Post by Jeff »

Hey Scott,

I haven't had a chance to revisit the MFC error. I'll send you the info next time it occurs.


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Post by Scott »

I am currently looking into this issue. There has been another report of PWB v2.05 having problems when set as the Windows shell.

<quote form message>
"I have narrowed it down to it only crashing when I have "CheckURLAccess" set to "True". "

Does this setting make a difference in your setup?


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Post by Scott »

When running PWB v2.05 as the shell, you should use the full paths in the INI file.

For example:


Should be...

CheckURLFile=C:\Path to the file\URL.txt

I have added better error reporting in the next version of PWB to take make this more evident.


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