catalog slowness in afternoon

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catalog slowness in afternoon

Post by craig »

We are using 433 mhz machines w/ 64k ram to access library catalog on a LAN. No internet or other functions. During the morning hours speed is fine. In afternoons we are getting complaints. NOTE: No one is complaining about network access or internet on other machines. Solutions? I just changed this morning a setting to remove cache when return [home] but not sure that makes any difference

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Post by Scott »

PWB uses the Microsoft Internet Explorer Web Browser Control for all its web browsing capability. It is possible the IE cache may play a role in the slowness. PWB is able to clear the cache when it exits or when the home button is pressed. You may want to consider using this functionality to clear the cache in order to rule out this being the problem. What we have found works well is setting Restart on Close and Clear Cache on Close to true and encouraging our patrons to close the browser when they are finished. This keeps the browser "fresh" for each patron.

You may also want to check for Spyware and Viruses on the computers. One library reported a similar problem. They were using Deepfreeze to protect the computer, and had the computers rebooted in the morning to restore them. What was happening was a patron coming in the evening and opening emails that had viruses. The viruses would start mass emailing slowing down the computer and the network. In the morning when the computers were rebooted the problem was gone because Deepfreeze would restore the hard drive. Updating the virus definitions and excluding the anti-virus software from Deepfreeze corrected the problem.


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