Security warnings appear behind secondary windows

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Security warnings appear behind secondary windows

Post by LesH »

PWB V2, I have all downloads disabled, so if you try to download something you get a dialog box with "Your current security settings do not allow this file to be downloaded".

However, the dialog appears behind the current (secondary) window rather than in front. Can these types of messages be forced to be always in front? We have secondary windows set to be always in front of the main window.


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Post by Scott »

Instead of using Second Windows always on top, you may want to use the Browser Always on Bottom (v2.05). This will keep the second Windows always on top of the main browser windows, yet allow the IE messages to be above the PWB secondary Windows.



Security warnings appear behind secondary windows

Post by LesH »

Thanks, sounds like that should do it.....



Well, that ALMOST does it...

Post by LesH »

Here's how we're set up:

PWB 2.05 is the Windows 2000 Shell (no explorer loaded) and we want the home page up all the time. When you click a link from the home page it opens in a secondary window. Minimized Secondwindows should stack at the bottom of the screen in front of the main window.

*if I have Browser/AlwaysonBottom=True and Secondwindow/AlwaysonTop=True., if I minimise a Secondwindow, it shows minimized on top of the main window (as desired). If I receive the "Your security settings do not allow the file to be downloaded" message, it appears behind the secondwindow (as 'undesired')

* If I set Secondwindow/AlwaysonTop=False, then the security warnings appear in front of Secondwindows, but if I minimize the Secondwindow, the minimized window is behind the main window until I briefly resize the main window. Then the Secondwindow (minimized) is in front of the main window.

I'd sure like this to work as in option 2 but without having to resize the main window...

Any ideas?
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Post by Scott »

The problem stems from the "parent" hosting the IE Web Browser Control. When the control sends the message, it uses the parent window as the owner. With the child windows always on top, the message appears in front of the parent window, but behind the child windows, which are on top. I am going to look into correcting this.

On our stations using PWB as the shell, we found it less confusing for the patrons with no Taskbar present, to disable the Minimize button in PWB.


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