"OpenProcessToken failed." Error on Shutdown

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"OpenProcessToken failed." Error on Shutdown

Post by AnthonyM »

OpenProcessToken failed.

I got this message after applying my gp to an XP workstation. It happens when I try to use the override shutdown command. I'm guessing it has to do with "Allow only specified programs to run" setting. I did add PWB.exe to the list. What to I need to add for the shutdown command to work? Or what else could cause this error? Thanks.


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Post by Scott »

This messaeg indicates PWB was not able to gain privilages for the user to shutdown the computer. In your GP you may have disabled the ability for the user to shutdown the computer. This would prevent the override from working and cuase the error.



"OpenProcessToken failed" now with v.2.06

Post by DanielM »

I just upgraded all of our web catalogs to v.2.06 (from 2.04) to solve the Trend/inactivity problem, and now I've picked this new problem up, I'm getting the "Open Process Token Failed" error when I try the shutdown override.

Nothing else has changed, these are all Windows 2000 sp4 in a restricted user account for the public users. This also happens in an administrative account. Every account and the System have the permission to shut down the computer.

It's not a severe problem, as "shutdown" still closes the browser, and people can then shut the pc down normally from the start button. But it does add steps, and take away what I thought was a really cool feature.


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Post by Scott »

Try this revision which fixes a bug that can cause Windows XP computers to display this error.


We are waiting on releasing PWB v2.06 revision 3 because PWB v2.07 will be coming out soon.



That fix it!

Post by Danielm »

Thanks, the v.2.06r3 fixed the problem!

This was on Windows 2000 SP4 machines.


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