Downloading webmail attachments...

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Downloading webmail attachments...

Post by TSSI »

I did some quick searching and it seems I'm not the only one that has (or had, for some?) this issue. I've only tested Hotmail and Yahoo, but PWB v2.06 will not allow me to download attachments from either. Is there a way around this? This seems to be the last issue preventing me from upgrading all my PWB v1.x PCs to v2.x.


PS Thanks for the quick fix for the ebay issue!

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Post by Scott »

Are you using the ManageDL\TDownload restricted save application? This is a known problem with ManageDL\TDownload, and is the reason it was removed from the download page. PWB by itself passes the download request to Internet Explorer and IE does the actual download.

If you are not using ManageDL\TDownload please send a copy of your INI file, your Windows and IE version number, to Support@TeamSoftwareSolutions so we can test it.



Post by Guest »

Oops! nevermind, I just had a setting wrong... Downloading attachments works fine in the latest build!



Post by Guest »

For us using the TDownload program what are our options??

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Post by Scott »

We are working on an alternative to ManageIE\TDownload. We currently do not have a timeline for release as of yet.

You can use MMC and Windows Policies to effectively restrict the IE save as dialog. Please see the following post in the forums. ... c.php?t=17


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