Printing .pdf's From Browser Toolbar

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Printing .pdf's From Browser Toolbar

Post by jsemmelroth »

I'm new to PWB but I have a question on behalf of my local library. They use it on their public surfing PC's but they have described a problem that I cannot find a solution to in previous topics. I hope ya'll can help.

The problem is described to me as follows: The browser allows printing. When the browser is pointed to an Adobe .pdf file, Acrobat is opened up within the browser and the user can print the document from the Acrobat toolbar but not from the browser toolbar. The librarians note that this causes a bit of confusion for the patrons and wonder if its possible to make the document printable from the browser toolbar even when the Acrobat toolbar is displayed. I note that it is possible on my PC here at the Gadget Institute. Thanks in advance.
Jim Semmelroth
Missoula Public Library

Posts: 153
Joined: Fri Dec 27, 2002 9:11 am

Post by spragers »


I don't think that it would be possible - we can't do that on our staff PC's from within IE itself - it seems that the Adobe print button is not linked to the browser print button at all. It works the same way with plug-ins like AlternaTIFF.


Post by Guest »

Thanks for the quick response Spragers but it still leaves me with a question.

On my own PC, which is not running PWB, I can go to a site with .pdf's and point to one of them with my browser (IE6). That opens up Adobe Acrobat inside the browser with the file displayed inside Adobe Acrobat and access to a print icon on both the Acrobat toolbar and the IE toolbar. I can then print from either the Acrobat or the IE printer icons. I have just done that. The library PC, with PWB running on it, can only print from the Adobe toolbar. Furthermore, the library does successfully print using the IE toolbar when pointed to something other than an Adobe document.

I would hope that PWB would have the capacity to allow printing from either toolbar and that we just have to make a configuration change to allow it.

Thanks again for the quick response.

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