AutoRestart does not auto restart IE, but no errors

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AutoRestart does not auto restart IE, but no errors

Post by maximillian_x »

I have a kiosk machine that will be running IE only (don't ask) - and I've set up AutoRestart with no errors, but when I configure it and let it go, it does NOT restart IE (or any other shortcuts I copy into the configured folder).

The system is XP SP2 - the registry appears to be correct, the icon seems to be "flickering" as if it is checking status, but that's it.

Can you help?


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Post by Scott »

Does AutoRestart start IE in the first place?

Normally you should start AutoRestart from the Registry Run key. When AutoRestart starts, it will start the applications in the AutoRestart start folder. If you have an IE shortcut in the AutoRestart start folder, then IE should start when AutoRestart starts.


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Post by maximillian_x »

Scott wrote:Does AutoRestart start IE in the first place?

Normally you should start AutoRestart from the Registry Run key. When AutoRestart starts, it will start the applications in the AutoRestart start folder. If you have an IE shortcut in the AutoRestart start folder, then IE should start when AutoRestart starts.

Ah, that was it. I had IE in my startup folder for 'all users,' and autorestart was indeed starting from the registry. I had configured it to watch the startup folder for shortcuts.

Must be that it monitors the PID that is spawned from itself - once I removed the IE icon from my startup folder, and created a shortcuts folder outside of the startup folder for All Users, it worked perfectly.

Thanks a bunch - very handy dandy utility!


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Post by maximillian_x »

One other note - if the computer is running really slowly (low memory or whatever), the autorestart will keep trying to kick off the autorestart shorcuts, and then finally once the system catches up, you'll end up having three instances of whatever shortcuts you've specified.

Not sure if this is something you'll want to update in the new version, or if there's any way around it, but I thought I'd mention it.

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Post by Scott »

What is the version of AutoRestart indicated when you right click on the EXE and view the properties?


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AutoRestart does not auto restart IE but no errors

Post by Johenyst »

I found the solution to the problem.

It´s seem strangers, but was the only way to make my mouse works.

You have to configure the mouse as "Mouse Without Wheel"
and the video card must be configured to VESA X, S, ou T.


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