PWB 2.10 in Kiosk Mode with PC Reservation

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PWB 2.10 in Kiosk Mode with PC Reservation

Post by zenful6219 »

We use Envisionware's PC Reservation (time-based reservation system) on our Library's Windows 2000 public computers. We want to use PWB v2.10 in Kiosk mode, but there's a problem. The PC Reservation screen needs to be on top of PWB's. I've tried using a program to force PC Reservation to load last, but it's screen still ends up under PWB's.

I don't know if it's supposed to help, but in PWB's ini, I also set AlwaysOnBottom to True and AlwaysOnTop to False for the Parent window. Is it even possible to have a screen like PC Reservation's appear on top of PWB while in Kiosk mode?

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Post by Scott »

The kiosk mode purposely obscures all other windows. If you want other applications to run, you should take PWB out of kiosk mode. When PWB is not in kiosk mode the always on bottom will work as expected. If you only want PWB on the computer, you can use the HideGUI application available on our download page to hide most aspects of the Windows GUI.

See the following thread in our forums for a discussion of using HideGUI. ... .php?t=536

This technique allows you to run Windows with only PWB showing, if you disable the minimize and maximize buttons and start PWB maximized, you can approximate the kiosk mode, without using kiosk mode.


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Post by chrism »

We use PC Reservation + PWB as the desktop on selected machines, although we don't run PWB in kiosk mode. I had a similar problem until I configured PC Res to start PWB upon succesful login. I used a batch file to call PWB with command line arguments because PC Res did not handle a command line with spaces very well, if I recall. E.g.,

@echo off
start \\servername\sharename\pwb.exe


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