pwb (various 1.0 versions) and Horizon's Ipac

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pwb (various 1.0 versions) and Horizon's Ipac

Post by Angela »

We recently upgraded our Ipac software for our library catalog and
ran into a unique problem. If a patron tries to print from it using pwb, it does 1 of two things: prints just the search criteria (ie trucks), or that plus the actual search (which I have been able to do on one machine). Those machines which don't have PWB aren't affected. I also use the mmc console to lock down the Ipacs, but I looked their and don't see anywhere that would effect it like this. Has anyone else ran into this or no what could be causing this? :?


Post by Guest »

What is the URL of your OPAC?

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Post by angela »

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Post by Scott »

Using PWB v1.28 and IE 6.0 SP1, I am able to print searches with no porblems.
What version of PWB and IE are you using, and what are the steps taken to produce the problem?



Post by Guest »

we have various forms of pwb throughout the branches. Some are version 1.28 and earlier (I started loading it on our ipac's in October 2001). We use IE 5.5, the minimum, on all our IPACs which have PWB.
maybe that's where the problem lies?? The screw in that is that I use 5.0
at my desk, and can still print results. I'll download ie6sp1 (since it says
it's the full version) on my test machine, and see if that fixes the problem.


Post by Guest »

What are the steps I can follow to recreate the problem?

I went to the OPAC, did a search for flight, selected a book, and it seemed to print all the information.


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Post by angela »

When it's locked down with PWB, there is no toolbar, and the only buttons are back, forward, stop, refresh, home, search, pring, and about. The patrons are not even allowed to go to any other website or email. they are only allowed to search the catalog (altho I realize a link does work at the bottom).
The search trying to be performed is a Power Search -->Subject Word search with limits set to location (sometimes location and area). Once found, all they can hit is the Print button. I was able to get it to work on my desk PC with no problem (no pwb or mmc blocking it). I'm wondering
if it is the IE version for some reason? I upgraded the IE on two machines, and it seems to work so far. I'm going to try a before and
after to see if it does really work now.
Angela :)

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wierd update

Post by angela »

one of the machines is working normal which is locked down with PWB
and the mmc console. however, it looks like IE disappeared because I can't open it anywhere. strange.

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