Some PWB v. 2.10.1 files obsolete.

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Some PWB v. 2.10.1 files obsolete.

Post by jqjansse »

Dear Scott,

while I was checking out the changes to PWB with the arrival of v. 2.10.1, I couldn't help but notice two discrepancies that look important enough to report here:

1. the PWBv2.rtf file in the new version of PWB dates from 11/11/2004 and is only 13 kb (22 pages) big; the same file in v. 2.10.0 dated from the same date as the executable, i.e. 10/9/2006, and held 18 kb (32 pages); this is the case in both the manual and upgrade versions of PWB v. 2.10.1; I haven't checked the Installer (.msi) version

2. if I am not mistaken, the Updates.txt file in the file has not been adapted to accomodate PWB v. 2.10.1

I think upgraders and new users alike would suffer from this.


Jan J.
Jan Janssens
Universiteitsbibliotheek / University Library
Vrije Universiteit Brussel / Brussels Free University
Pleinlaan 2
B-1050 Brussel

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Post by Scott »

Thank you for pointing this out. I will check into it and get it corrected.


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Post by Scott »

All the distributions have been corrected to include the newest PWBv2.rtf file.

As far as the Updates.txt file in the INIUpdate utility, we do not change the INI file for minor revisions, for example v2.10.0 to v2.10.1, so the Updates.txt file will still be correct.


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