PWB v2.10.1 Released

TeamSoftware Solutions Announcements.

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PWB v2.10.1 Released

Post by Scott »

PWB v2.10.1 has bee released and includes the following fixes changes and addtions.

Version 2.10.1 06-27-2007


Fixed IE7 Shellbar URL icons.
Fixed support for JavaScript on before unload.
Fixed Cache Filter File when used with Web file download.
Fixed Not specifying inactivity file causnig timer to be reset.
Fixed Print ID Dialog showing twice when ShowPrintButtonDialog=True.
Fixed Window shrinking when in JScript.
Fixed problem with MrSID IE plug-in.


Added support for Toolband.
Added command line support for SendTo app INI keys.
Added "[Java]JavaOverrides=" for override support via JavaScript.
Added support for themes in web pages.
Added "mms://" to the allowed HTTP and Internet Protocols.


Error messages when web file not available.
