Here are the steps to upgrade PWB from v2.xx to the current version of PWB.
Please note, if you are upgrading with a minor revision, for example PWB v2.10.0 to PWB v2.10.x, all you need to do is extract the new PWB.exe file and copy it over the old PWB.exe file.
1. Download the PWB INI Editor from our download page and unzip it to a Folder.
2. Open the Folder and Run PWB INI Editor.
3. Click the "Open" button on the General Tab.
4. Browse to the INI file you want to update.
5. Click the "Open" button.
6. Edit the INI file to meet your needs if necessary.
7. Click the "Save" button.
8. Download the PWB upgrade distribution.
9. Extract the new "PWB.EXE" file.
10. On a test computer, copy your updated INI and the new "PWB.EXE" files over your old INI and "PWB.EXE" files.
11. Test PWB to make sure the configuration still meets your needs.
12. Copy the your updated INI and the new "PWB.EXE" files to your computers.
PWB INI Editor: ...
PWB Upgarde: ...
Upgrading PWB v2 to the current version
Moderators: Tyler, Scott, PWB v2 Moderator
Upgrading PWB v2 to the current version
Last edited by Scott on Tue Sep 07, 2010 11:34 am, edited 4 times in total.
Thanks Scott. We had checked out the INIupdate utility under the context of doing an in-place upgrade of the 2.09 version but hadn't pictured it as being useful when trying to duplicate the setup on a completly different PC. We'll dig into it. Thanks, as usual, for the steller customer service.
Opening any version of the INI file in the PWB INI Editor and saving it will update it to the newest INI version. ...
--Scott ...