Change in behavior of DisableExit?

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Change in behavior of DisableExit?

Post by jsand »

I was hoping you confirm whether you have changed the behavior of DisableExit from 2.09 to 2.10 or if there is something else I need to be aware of moving to 2.10. I have built a patron session management system with PWB and a LAMP webapp to allow our patrons to log into an internet station for up to X minutes per day in any number of sessions. I won't bore you with the details, but the PWB component relies on two separate configurations:

A) PWB as shell at the start of the session, bringing up a web page to take the patron's ID#. Which if the login is successful, kick-starts Explorer.exe, exits itself, and launches:

B) A different PWB functioning as a small timer display at the top of the screen so patrons know when their time will expire

Both PWB configurations need to be set so they cannot be resized or closed by any means other than the JavaExit hook or the Logoff override. Group Policy also restricts access to Task Manager and Ctrl-Alt-Del functions. to accomplish this, I have set the following in the configuration "A" .ini file. Configuration "B" is generally the same but allows moving and minimizing. These are just some relevant portions:

Code: Select all

HomePage=*** (login page on intranet server)


JavaExit=*** (not shown for display purposes)
This took many hours of testing, but it works under 2.09. When I tried moving to 2.10, the browser would no longer close with the same configuration run through UpdateINI. From my testing, it appears that in 2.09 the JavaExit command would take precedence over DisableExit, but in 2.10 it's the other way around. Setting DisableExit=False is a no-go because even with DisableCloseButton=True, Alt-F4 will still close the browser.

I would like to get to 2.10 because 2.09 becomes unstable once and a while in circumstances I haven't fully identified yet, but as it stands I cannot upgrade unless I can prevent the browser closing by the patron as I can in 2.09. Please tell me if there's something else I'm missing or other settings I can use. Or if this behavior can be changed back in 2.10.3 or 2.11 or whatever is next. Thanks.[/code]

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Post by Scott »

We did change some functionality in PWB v2.10.2 that deals with the disable exit.

If I understand your needs, you want to have the [Java]JavaExit to be able to exit PWB even when the disable exit is true. We can add this type of functionality "back" in to PWB v2.10.3. If you want to give it a try, I will post here when we have added it.


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Post by Scott »

We added [Java]JavaClose= to PWB v2.10.3. This Dynamic External Java command will close PWB even if the disable exit is set to true.

We thought adding the setting as opposed to changing JavaExit made more sense becuase the JavaExit matches the functionality of the "exit" action in the timers.

You will need to add this setting to the PWB v2.10 INI file by hand.

Please let me know if this will work for your implementation.

PWB v2.10.3 is available on the Beta Download page and is currently in its final testing for release.


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Post by jsand »

Thanks, I will see if I can try that out today. Does either Java command still invoke LogoffOnExit if that is set?

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Post by Scott »

The JavaClose will allow the LogOffOnExit to function as before.


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