New window opens on restricted site

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New window opens on restricted site

Post by Chartway »

I have -All in my URL.TXT file, and +somesites that I want to allow. If a user clicks on a link that is a restricted site, the Access Denied message comes up, sometimes twice, and when you click ok, it opens a blank PWB window.

Is there any way to stop that blank window from coming up, my boss don't like it, hehe


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Post by Scott »

What is the URL that is causing the problem?

And what is in your URL file?

I am guessing the offending restricted site is opening a pop-up window. We can add a close secondary (pop-up) window on deny access function to PWB if this would help.



Post by Chartway »

It seems to be doing it on every deny access url. Sometimes the access denied message comes up one, sometimes twice, then a blank window that the user has to close.

Thanks. I gotta demo this kiosk in the morning, and it's quite the showstopper.

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Post by Scott »

Send a copy of your INI and URL file to...

And we will take a look at what is going on.


Kevin A.

Post by Kevin A. »

I am getting the same behavior.

I get the blank window regardless of what I set ShowAccessDialog in the security section to, but if i set it to true, I get 2 access denied messages.

I'll also send my pwb.ini and my url file.

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Post by Scott »

PWB v2.04 revision 1 closes the about blank window when access is denied.



Access Denied Blank Popup

Post by Young »

When a user attempts to access a website that is restricted, a new blank window is displayed directly after closing the access denied dialog.

My URL file contains the following options:

-all and +(A number of sites)

I read something about this a few weeks ago yet applying the new revision does not seem to have had any effect on this particular problem.

I did not notice this popup problem before I edited the Access.txt file from
its default message. It may have been there, I just don't remember seeing it.

Many thanks

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Post by Scott »

Do you have the URL of the web site along with an excerpt from your URL file that we can test?

What happens is the web site opens an About:Blank window which is allowed, but the site PWB is redirected to is not, resulting in the About:Blank window being displayed.


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