Right click - back & CTRL-ENTER
Moderators: Tyler, Scott, PWB v2 Moderator
Right click - back & CTRL-ENTER
We recently had a patron request the ability to right click on a web page and chose BACK (a feature in IE). He also requested the Function of using CTRL-ENTER to add the www. & .com to an address. (also a feature in IE). These are minor issues, but would be convienent. Are these already available in the current version and I am not finding them? If so, where can I enable it? if not, can it be added to the next version?
The right click and back is available now if you do not use the custom context menus. The Ctrl-Enter functionality is currently not available.
I have added back as an option on the custom context menu, and Ctrl-Enter functionality to our to do list. Both of these suggestions should be in the release of PWB v2.05.
I have added back as an option on the custom context menu, and Ctrl-Enter functionality to our to do list. Both of these suggestions should be in the release of PWB v2.05.