PWB v2.11.4 Released

TeamSoftware Solutions Announcements.

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PWB v2.11.4 Released

Post by Scott »

PWB v2.11.4 (10-07-2010) has been released and includes the following changes.

Version 2.11.4


Changed FEATURE_SAFE_BINDTOOBJECT to false for some Falsh web sites.
Fixed caching of SWF files causing SWF file to not run.
Fixed "JavaScript:void()" without semicolon issue.
Fixed error when resizing TIFF images presented as PDF files.
Fixed enabling Cut, Copy, Paste, menu and buttons.
Signed EXE with Digital Signature.

Added: (Hidden until version 2.12):

[Browser] EnableTheaterMode=False Enables F11 Theater mode keyboard shortcut.
[Browser] ConfirmCloseMultipleWindows=False Confirms close when multiple windows are open.
[Files] NewWindowScript= Runs specified script when secondary window is opened.
[Files] CheckURLRedirectFile= Tab delimited list of paired URL -> redirect URL.
[Security] CheckURLRedirect=False Enable URL redirects (uses [Files]CheckURLRedirectFile=).
[Security] UseIEClearCache=False Enable Internet Explorer Clear Cache Functionality instead of PWB.
[Toolbars] MenuBarLocation= Sets location on Rebar (0-5)
[Toolbars] ToolBarLocation= Sets location on Rebar (0-5)
[Toolbars] ShellBarLocation= Sets location on Rebar (0-5)
[Toolbars] AddressBarLocation= Sets location on Rebar (0-5)
[Toolbars] SearchBarLocation= Sets location on Rebar (0-5)
[Toolbars] GoButtonLocation= Sets location on Rebar (0-5)
