Inactivity Timer Reset

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Inactivity Timer Reset

Post by Jeff »

It would be great if the inactivity timer got reset not just when someone interacted with a web page, but with any application open via the shellbar.

For instance, we have Word on the shellbar. What's happened a few times is that someone will have to go back and forth between Word and the browser. If they are doing intensive work in Word, and are "away" from the browser for too long, they get the inactivity message.

Regardless of the wording of the message, they freak out and think they've lost everything, don't know how to get back to Word, etc, when the Internet resets itself to the homepage. Setting the inactivity time to a higher amount would help somewhat, but wouldn't totally solve the problem.

If being in Word or any other application "counted" as activity, that would not happen.


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Post by spragers »

I believe that, if they click the "OK" button when the inactivity timer message appears, PWB will not reset, and they can continue browsing where they left off.

I'm not sure if that would help your situation or not, though.


Post by Guest »

Alas, you know that, and I know that, and our customized message says that very clearly. However, a number of patrons have panicked.


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Post by Scott »

I will look into using the global mouse and keyboard messages insteasd of the applicaiton messages to determine inactivity.


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Activity Timout (PDBIdler) reset

Post by jeffreyblove »

Hi Scott

I was hoping to use PWBIdler much as Jeff had requested, but in the following scenario:

I would like to run the PWB in kiosk mode for general browsing, but staff need to access a windows app on the same terminal (win xp) and so switch to the app, do their stuff, then walk away.

With PWBIdler, I can get the win app to minimize (just used a .wsf) and return focus to the PWB. But the Idler does not activate again until a navigation event occurs in PWB. If a staffer walks up and [ALT]+[TAB]'s to the win app, the Idler does not fire and does not then minimize the win app after timeout.

Any suggestions? Thoughts? Wonderous additions to PWBIdler?

Many Thanks,
Jeffrey B. Love

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Post by Scott »

Are you running PWBIdler as a PWB add-on and do you get any error messages from PWBIdler?

PWBIdler sets a global Windows keyboard and mouse hook which sends keyboard and mouse messages to PWB to reset the timer reguardless of what application has the focus.

If this is not what is happening:

1. What version of PWB are you using?
2. You mention terminal, are you using a terminal server?


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Post by jeffreyblove »

No, the idler is not resetting on mouse or keyboard when PWB does not have focus. I think the connection to the PWB activitytimer startup may be the issue, as it works fine until the inactivity timer times out and fires the script.
I should be able to see the timer in PWB reset and it does not, and the 'close all' script does not fire again until there is activity in PWB.

PWB (v 2.08.02) runs locally, PWBIdler runs as an add-on and I have not seen any GUI errors (will it report to a PWB log?).



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Post by Scott »

What version of Windows are you using?


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Post by jeffreyblove »

> What version of Windows are you using?

XP Pro SP2 with all current updates


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Post by Scott »

Please send a copy of your INI file to This may help us in determining the problem.


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Post by Scott »

Would it be possible to send a copy of the minimize SWF file.

When the windows application is alt-tabbed to the front, and then PWB regains focus through the script, is the status bar showing in PWB?


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