Webpages with Forms

Questions and comments about currently under development PWB v3

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Webpages with Forms

Post by cvorton »

Has anyone had trouble with your patrons trying to fill out forms on websites? I'm getting complaints that the keyboard stops working when trying to fill out forms, but it works elsewhere on the webpage or browser.


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Post by Scott »

Do you have a specific example?


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Post by cvorton »

I've been told that it has happened with Google Maps, MapQuest, Sutter Health, etc. I have asked for a screenshot and more exact details from staff at the library branches, but so far I haven't gotten anything. I did get one comment that it had happened to one particular patron that had 3 or 4 PWB sessions opened at the same time, but don't know if that is related or not.
I had posted this just wondering if anyone else had experienced the same issue.

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Post by cvorton »

I've had more reports coming in - it has happened at studentLoans(dot)gov, losrios(dot)edu, and on the refugeforums(dot)com website. In two of the instances I was told that the patron had the PWB open multiple times; the rest are unknown.
I have not been able to duplicate the problem at all myself.

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Post by cvorton »

I just had it happen to me. I had a total of 7 PWB instances open - some from clicking on "New Window" and some from going to the Windows Desktop and starting the program from there. Anyway, I had opened and logged into three different email accounts, my Blockbuster account, I was searching Yahoo "Cars", our library's main website, and the Gov't StudentLoans website that I mentioned before. I was able to type into boxes and forms on all 7 of the websites. Then when I closed one email account website and the Blockbuster account, I couldn't type in any boxes or forms on any of the 5 remaining websites. I then closed the library's website and 1 other email account website, and then I was able to type in boxes and forms on the remaining 3 open websites again.

After what I just experienced, my guess would be that it might have something to do along the lines when PWB is closed, but there are still other instances of PWB running.

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Post by jbush »

Scott wrote: Mon Aug 13, 2012 9:25 am Do you have a specific example?

I have it happening on the Anscetry page that has a search form. You can click advanced and type in the information from there. It is just the one search page that will not let the form be selected at all.

This is the webpage.

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Re: Webpages with Forms

Post by Scott »

The original post was from 2012 and a lot has changed since then.

What version of PWB are you using including the minor revision number and HTML renderer, for example "PWB 3.05.9 CEF"?

Try using an unedited INI file on the site to rule out a configuration issue.


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Re: Webpages with Forms

Post by jbush »

I did figure this problem out. Sorry for delayed response. It was actually another program that was the issue. Thanks!

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