Apologies if the answers elsewhere - I can't find it.
We have a PC locked down with PWBv2 which has a homepage similar to this stripped down example
http://www.lsbu.ac.uk/php-cgiwrap/clsdw ... /index.php - Unfortunately the javascript datepicker we’ve used for years has decided to stop working when it’s within the PWB, but still works fine if you put this URL into another browser e.g InternetExplorer on the same machine.
Let me know if you need more info.
Thanks in advance
JavaScript datepicker
Moderators: Tyler, Scott, PWB v2 Moderator
Re: JavaScript datepicker
We have tested PWB 2.11.7 with an unedited INI file on Windows 7 with IE9 and Windows XP with IE8 and the date picker seems to work.