PWB Printing Blank Pages

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PWB Printing Blank Pages

Post by fmltech »

I am using PWB 2.04 with Win XP Pro -- I have noticed that very often when users try to print a web site, the pages come out blank. When I go back and do a print preview, it is also blank. If I reboot the computer, and try again, sometimes the site will print correctly.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance!

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Post by Scott »

Are you using any other security, or print management software?

PWB is dependant on IE for all the printing functionality, ensure you are using the newest version of IE.



printing blank pages

Post by fmltech »

Currently, I am using the SAM print management software and desktop security from Comprise Technologies, with the most current version of IE and Windows XP. However, before installing SAM, I was not using any print management software, and using Fortres desktop security - that was when I first noticed the issue.

Thanks again!

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Post by spragers »

We use the latest version of Fortres and PWB on a Windows XP Pro machine with few problems (the worst is the new layout of the print dialogs compared with NT, which all of our patrons are used to). On one occasion I have seen blank print preview pages, I believe it was on a hotmail site or some kind of e-greeting linked from hotmail. Of course, we're using a networked printer on an NT station and trying to print to it from XP (long story short, I had to trick XP into installing drivers for the printer because NT doesn't support XP drivers, and the XP drivers are built-in to XP) so I'm sure that really doesn't help much.


Post by Guest »

The thing is, it is not just on hotmail or egreeting sites - it has happened with our library's home page as well. I am not sure about this, because I have to test it when I see it happen again, but I think that when it happens, it happens no matter what page you try to print, until you reboot. Does that make sense?


Post by Guest »

Some websites are being printed blank pages as well. The header (page number) and footer (file name) do show up. However, the file name shows up as a local file (C:\XXXXX.htm) instead of an URL. Print preview is blank as well. I can print the page fine from a PC without PWB. I am not using any print mgmt software.

Any suggestions would be great.

Pikes Peak Library District
CO Springs, CO

Erwin Fox

Blank pages

Post by Erwin Fox »

Add Baldwin Public Library to the list of users with Fortres 101 version 4.1 and PWB version 2 and having blank pages print. A restart of the system does clear the problem.

Posts: 153
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Post by spragers »

It looks like when this happens, the browser is pointing to a local file in the TIF folder, rather than the website itself, in case that helps. Never saw this happen on our NT stations, only on XP.

Could this coincide with errors in the PWB history file that say there was an error clearing the cache file?


Post by Guest »

We also get many black pages here at Brandon Library, both in print preview and on the actual print out. This seems to happen most often on banking websites. We're using Windows NT and 2000. Rather than Fortres, we use polices from an NT Server to secure our computers. I have noticed that the blank print outs are being generated from some type of temp file rather than the website ex:
Often times, I have logged our patrons on as the machine's local administrator, and allowed them to use IE instead of PWB and this seems to allow them to print their banking correctly.
Does anybody have any suggestions regarding keeping our machines secure and allowing our patrons to print from PWB?

Posts: 153
Joined: Fri Dec 27, 2002 9:11 am

Post by spragers »


There's an article on the Fortres website about this problem. ... ID=1001054

You need to be a registered Fortres user to view the article.

There are slightly different settings for version 5.0 and 4.1, basically it involves allowing certain folders on the hard drive to be writeable. The main cause seems to be setting Fortres to prevent writing to the hard drive.

Hope that helps!

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