Hidegui vs. Securemode

Questions and comments about currently under development PWB v3

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Hidegui vs. Securemode

Post by wgragg »

I am a little unclear on the differences between these two. Actually, I was wondering if Securemode accomplishes pretty much the same things as Hidegui? We don't want the patrons to be able to use the common keys such as ctr-tab, windows key, ctrl-esc, etc. and we don't want there to be anyway for them to get to the desktop.


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Re: Hidegui vs. Securemode

Post by Scott »

SecureMode is more restrictive then HideGUI. SecureMode opens a new alternate Windows Desktop whereas HideGUI hides aspects of the normal Windows Desktop.

The problem with SecureMode is it does not allow other applications to run such as screen savers, or other third party software because the applications open in the normal Windows Desktop away from the alternate Windows Desktop.

So which one you use depends on what you need to allow.

Please note, the Secure Attention Sequence (Ctrl-Alt-Del) Windows Security window needs to be addressed with Windows Policies as be Microsoft design for security reasons applications can not interact with the Widows Security window.


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