Popups in IE11?

Questions and comments about currently under development PWB v3

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Popups in IE11?

Post by Escondido »

I could use some expertise from someone more familiar with Public Browser to Help with our Library Catalog PC's

We just went live with Innovative Interfaces, using their Sierra and Encore products.

I have the Public Browser version 3.03.07 installed on our Catalog PC's, also using IE11. If a patron goes to:

https://escondido.iii.com and searches for example "Hunger Games", a list of the titles comes up. If a patron tries to "request it" a small box (pop up?) briefly opens right next to the item discription, then closes.

In IE11 this pop up stays open. Is there any way in the ini to make this stay open in Public Browser?


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Re: Popups in IE11?

Post by Scott »

Innovative Encore is not compatible with Internet Explorer 11.0 Web Browser Control.

More information:
http://www.teamsoftwaresolutions.com/fo ... f=8&t=2998

There are 3 things you can do for PWB to correct what you are seeing.

1. Set PWB in compatibility mode by setting the following in your INI file.


2. Remove IE 11.0 and go with IE 10.0.

3. Use PWB v3 CEF. PWB v3 CEF is a Chrome based browser which does not have all the IE compatibility issues.


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Re: Popups in IE11?

Post by MatthewM »

My sympathies on acquiring Sierra. We've had nothing but trouble with it.

As for PWB, the ie11 roll out gave us fits in Encore as well. We found that clicking the 'Compatibility Mode' button on the PWB toolbar allowed the full use of Encore.

But that's a pain in the butt for patrons to have to do, for staff to tell them they need to do that, etc.

We ended up rolling our OPAC computers back to ie10 and haven't had any further issues.

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Re: Popups in IE11?

Post by Scott »

Clicking on the Compatibility button in PWB simply forces the following setting and starts a new instance of PWB in Compatibility mode.


If you have IE 11.0 installed setting the above in the should correct the issue.

You can also use PWB v3 CEF which is a Chrome based version of PWB.


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