I am testing PWB version
Is it possible to close all the open windows without a prompt?
I have the inactivity InactivityAction=exit and RestartOnClose=True
The prompt "Do you want to close all windows" stays and the actions to exit and restart do not execute unless physical action takes place.
Always close all windows on "exit" without a prompt?
Re: Always close all windows on "exit" without a prompt?
PWB v3.03.9 fixes this issue.
Version 3.03.9 Basic 08-29-2014
Changed to CEF version 1916
Fixed JavaScript Alert sizing
Fixed multi-window confirm on timer action exit
Fixed support for custom download manager
Changed to enabled Touch Screen interaction
Changed to enable Windows 7+ toolbar interaction
Version 3.03.9 Basic 08-29-2014
Changed to CEF version 1916
Fixed JavaScript Alert sizing
Fixed multi-window confirm on timer action exit
Fixed support for custom download manager
Changed to enabled Touch Screen interaction
Changed to enable Windows 7+ toolbar interaction