Volume control utility needed

Tips and tricks with other software for securing computers for public use.

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Volume control utility needed

Post by zenful6219 »

I saw there was an existing thread for a Volume Control Utility for systems with the System Tray locked. But, there hasn't been any recent activity, so forgive me for creating a new thread on the same subject. But, I'm looking to place an icon on a public user's Start Menu for some kind of utility that will allow them to adjust volume. Any ideas?

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Post by Scott »

Create a shortcut to "sndvol32.exe", located in the Windows System32 folder, and place it in the PWB Shellbar folder.


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Location: Denton, TX

Post by zenful6219 »

Thanks for the suggestion to create a shortcut. It works for our public Internet computers!

The thing is, now, I need a way to reset the volume between customers. We use Deep Freeze, so we could set a default sound level and have the computer retain the setting each time the computer restarts. However, when a customer is finished with a computer, the system logs off. When the next customer logs in, the new customer inherits the previous customer's volume level. We don't want to have to restart computers between customers.

I'm sure this setting is in the registry somewhere, but I can't seem to find it. Anyone know where in the registry we can set the volume level?

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