PWB v2.10.6 has been released and contains the following changes or fixes.
Version 2.10.6 03-24-2009
Fixed Zoom accelerator keys to include +/- on number pad.
Fixed New window opening 300 X 300 at location 0 X 0 by default.
Fixed issue with inactivity timer when home page is not navigated from.
Fixed issue with with caching and SWF detection.
Fixed obscure issue that can cause the INI to be deleted when using UNC path for alternate INI file.
Fixed multiple duplicated items added to quick pick address bar.
Changed to support Environment Variables in command line.
Added (Hidden until version 2.11):
Added [Browser] HideCursor=False Hides Windows cursor in PWB.
Added [Browser] MaximizeOnNonSizable=False Maximizes window when page sets non-resizable.
Added [Browser] ExitPage= Sets exit page URL PWB navigates to when exiting.
Added [Browser] ShowSearchBar=False Shows search bar.
Added [Browser] SearchBarText= Text for search bar.
Added [Browser] SearchBarPage= URL for search text. Use %SEARCH% Marco in URL for text.
Added [Java] JavaClose= Closes PWB with bypass for disable exit and restart on close.
Added [Java] JavaStartApp= Starts application in new process.
Added [Java] JavaSetActivity= Sets activity timer time.
Added [Java] JavaGetActivity= Gets activity timer time.
Added [Files] ExecuteOnDenyAccess= Executes application with URL (%1), and access string (%2) as arguments.
Added [Files] ExecuteFilterFile= Filter file for CheckExecuteAccess execute on deny access.
Added [Security] CheckExecuteAccess=False Checks URL access and executes application.
Added [Security] PreventFileDownload=False Prevents non-active files from downloading.
Added [Security] EnableAlternateOverrideKeys=False Enables Ctrl+F4 to open override dialog.
Added [Security] LogDeniedAccess=False Logs denied access URL.
Added [Browser] DisableImageSizing=False Disables image resizing when image file is bigger then window.
Added [Browser] SecureMode=False Starts PWB in an alternate Windows Desktop.
Added [SecondWindow] ForceToFront=False Forces all child windows to front if main window has focus.
Added [SecondWindow] ShowSearchBar=False Shows search bar on pop-up windows.
Added [Toolbars] SearchBarWidth= Width of Searchbar.
Added [Toolbars] SearchBarBreak=False Show Searchbar on new line.
Added [Toolbars] SearchBarGripper=True Show gripper on Searchbar.
Added [Files]LastGoodURLFile= If set to file path PWB will write last "good" url to the file.
Added [Buttons] Zoom=True Enables Zoom button.
Added [MenuItems] ViewZoom=True Enables Zoom menu
Added [MenuItems] ViewZoomIncrease=True Enables Zoom Increase.
Added [MenuItems] ViewZoomDecrease=True Enables Zoom Decrease.
Added [MenuItems] ViewZoomLarge=True Enables Zoom Large (200%).
Added [MenuItems] ViewZoomNormal=True Enables Zoom Normal (100%).
Added [MenuItems] ViewZoomSmall=True Enables Zoom Small (50%).
Added [MenuItems] ViewZoomCustom=True Enables Zoom Custom.
Added [HighLight] EnableHighLight=True Enables highlighting.
Added [HighLight] ISBNFontAttributes= Font attribute for ISBN highlighting.
Added [HighLight] ISBNLinkAttributes= Link attribute for ISBN highlighting (use %ISBN% macro).
Added [HighLight] ISBNTitleAttributes= Title attribute for ISBN highlighting.
Added [HighLight] SearchFontAttributes= Search attributes for search highlighting.
Added [Browser] StatusBarTimeFormat=%d-%b-%Y %I:%M %p Sets status bar time and date format
Added [Browser] StatusBarTimeWidth=120 Status bar time slot width