CIPA Compliance?

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CIPA Compliance?

Post by tsaman »

I'm looking for a cheap filter that will get us in compliance with CIPA. I'm thinking that using a noaccess list with Public Browser might do that. Is this a worthwhile idea? Is anyone else working on it? It looks like coming up with a good list is the key. (duh!)
Michael J. Dargan
Technical Systems Administrator
Waterloo and Cedar Falls Public Libraries

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Post by Scott »

I was just thinking this same thing. Maintaining the list is probably more of a problem then creating one. On the bright side we are adding an override for the filter to make it easy to turn it off if needed.


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Post by GregP »

Forgive my 'non-US' understanding of this topic....

Someone handed me a news article about a US supreme court decision Yesterday relating to Internet content filtration in public Libraries.

Is this the same topic?



Post by mgmk »

This group publishes a list that I believe
is freely available. The porn section has
over 100,000 entries, it is in .tar format
and can be unzipped using winzip and
formated using MS Word.


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Philip - Long Beach NY
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Post by Philip - Long Beach NY »

What I am concerned about is the fact that the ruling stipulates all pc's (this means staff pc's as well) must be filtered. That is just retarded ("Excuse me boss, I can't download any porn, could you plz disable it?"). My director has told me that the board of trustees WILL NOT filter, regardless of the ruling. Trouble is, (unless the FCC finalizations say otherwise) any individual library who decides to oppose the ruling could cause the entire system to lose it's funding; which here in Nassau county is upwards of a half a million dollars. I don't know about you but if this is correct and the board still won't filter, I'd hate to be working for the library that caused the consortium to lose it's money :shock:

I told him in secret "psst. We'll just install it but not implement it."

ehhehe :lol:
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-- Steve Gibson

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