Preventing users from accessing printer preferences

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Preventing users from accessing printer preferences

Post by Rocco »

Does anyone know of a way to disable the Preferences button that appears in the Windows Print dialog box? I'm trying to figure out a way to prevent users from changing color options. I'd like to pull this off without purchasing additional software. Any ideas? Thanks.


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Post by GregP »

If you only want to do this for the Internet, then the Print Template I built does exactly that. It's in the PWB2 forum : ... .php?t=424

Make sure you download the last version (on page 2)... and also keep in mind that I'm still fixing bugs that people identify.

I don't know of a workable solution for other applications (like word) yet, but I am working on one when I find the spare time.... which seems disappointingly infrequent :cry:


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Preventing users from accessing printer preferences

Post by Rocco »

I saw your template and it looks great. Unfortunately, I need to disable it for all apps. I used to use Cooler (Fortres Grand Corp) to do this but I don't have the budget to purchase more software, not to mention it looks like they stopped development on Cooler.


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Post by Scott »

I beleive it is possible to edit the Windows standard Print Dialog using a Resource Editor and remove the button. This would affect all applications using the standard print dialog. When I get a chance I will look around for the proper DLL to edit.


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Post by Scott »

Here is how to do it editing the Windows Resource. Warning attempt this at your own risk.

Download the free Windows Resource editor Resource Hacker.

Back up and edit the following file in the Windows System32 folder.

Edit the following Dialog Resources.

100 - 1033
101 - 1033
1538 - 1033

Disable the Preferences button by right clicking it, select Edit control and set the WS_DISABLE style.

Save the COMDLG32.DLL.

If you have System Restore enabled Windows may put this file back to the original so disabling the System Restore may be needed.


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