Vulnerbilities and questions

For general issues related to PWB v2.

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Vulnerbilities and questions

Post by Mrstiltz »


I am new to the PWB community. So I have downloaded PWB ver 2.08, registered version. Set it up on my HP Thin clients with Win xp Enbedded. Locked it down pretty good. They are to be used as my OPAC machines. So I decide to play hacker and found some vulnerbilities. I have read many posts in here and saw little to help me. Does PWB block the use of the control+O command? I recieved help from another member in here about the regisry value "NoWinKeys" however that did not work. Is there something on PWB's end to block this?

Separate issue: when in Kioske mode, after the inacctivity time runs out and goes back to home page, the text size does not reset. Is this normal?

Any help would be appreciated!!!!

Thank you much,

Mike Reno

Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Nov 17, 2005 2:38 pm

OK I found my answer.

Post by Mrstiltz »

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Post by Scott »

All the accelerator keys are associated with either a menu item and/or a button. To disable the accelerator keys, disable both the menu item and/or the button. PWB assumes if either the menu item or button is enabled, regardless if the menu or toolbar is visible, that it is ok to use the accelerator key. This allows for some flexibility when deploying PWB. Most of the accelerator keys also match the IE accelerator keys.

Here is the complete list of the accelerator keys.

Ctrl-D (Address bar focus)
Disabled when address bar is disabled.

Ctrl-Enter (Add "www." and ".com" to URL and navigate)
Disabled via INI file [Browser] DisableCtrlEnter=True

Ctrl-F (Find)
Disabled by setting [MenuItem] EditFind=False, [Buttons] Find=False

Ctrl-5 (Select all)
Disabled be setting [MenuItem] EditSelectAll=False

Ctrl-A (Select all)
Disabled be setting [MenuItem] EditSelectAll=False

Ctrl-N (New Window)
Disabled by setting [MenuItem] FileNew=False, [Buttons] New=False

Ctrl-O (Ctrl-L) (Open URL)
Disabled by setting [MenuItem] FileOpen=False, [Buttons] Open=False

Ctrl-P (Print page)
Disabled by setting [MenuItem] FilePrint=False, [Buttons] Print=False

F9 (Print page)
Disabled by setting [MenuItem] FilePrint=False, [Buttons] Print=False

Ctrl-S (Save page)
Disabled by setting [MenuItem] FileSaveAs=False, [Buttons] Save=False

Alt-Left (Back)
Disabled by setting [MenuItem] ViewGotoBack=False, [Buttons] Back=False

Alt-Right (Forward)
Disabled by setting [MenuItem] ViewGotoForward=False, [Buttons] Forward=False

Alt-Home (Home)
Disabled by setting [MenuItem] ViewGotoHome=False, [Buttons] Home=False

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